3 Waves of Manhattan Collections

Published in
3 min readMar 15, 2021


Tomorrow marks the start of our 3 waves of Manhattan collection reveals.
To ensure everyone is prepared and fully informed, we have a few things for you to consider.

  • We will be revealing a total of 11 collections this week
  • Most collections revealed this week will be sold out, or nearly sold out, and the remaining unminted properties will mostly be expensive ones.
  • While we always intended to release sold out Manhattan collections individually (shortly after they sell out), moving Manhattan from pure Vanilla mode in combination with the delay caused by the Brooklyn Burn, dictated that we release them together, as a more holistic event. Which is what we are doing this week.

Here are the updated days and times of the 3 waves of Manhattan collection releases.
Wave 1: March 15th at 9am PT
Wave 2: March 17th at 5am PT
Wave 3: March 19th at 2am PT

As a reminder, Manhattan has been operating primarily in Vanilla mode (which means it had no active collections and no live events), in order to keep the focus on San Francisco, the genesis city of Upland, until the economy grew large enough to sustain 2 fully active hubs (A point which we have exceeded in the past few weeks)

Upland is all about building a fair economy and we try to be as transparent as possible. In order to do so, we’ve created a process called “the Collection Reveal” that ensures the number and type of new collections is predetermined, rather than influenced by market events, or favoritism coming into play. This is important because collections are a powerful tool in Upland’s economy, making them a big part of most players’ strategies.

This mechanic has served as a way to introduce collections incrementally, while still having the collections predetermined in a provably fair way.

In practical terms, here is our process for revealing collections that are not sold out.

  • Right before the announcement we will lock unminted properties in that collection.
  • We will then reveal the collection and the collection key (allowing players to confirm the collection on the blockchain)
  • In case there are unminted properties that match the announced collection, they will get locked and repriced based on the collection level they match. This process of repricing unminted properties per the publicly available collection data has been the way properties have been priced in Upland from the earliest days of the introduction of collections (and similar to how unminted properties were priced in Brooklyn)
  • An hour after the announcement, the unminted properties will be unlocked back for minting,

As a precaution, make sure to double check your marketplace properties before the announcement to ensure you don’t sell them below collection-modified value. It may be safer to temporarily remove them from the marketplace before the announcement is made and the collections revealed.




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