BONUS 1.5M $SPARKLET Tokens Rewards Await Bitget Launchpool Participants in Upland!
Edit: a change was made to correct the Aug 19th snaptshot is for Bridged in Sparklet, not staked.
BONUS 1.5M $SPARKLET Tokens Rewards Await Bitget Launchpool Participants in Upland!
Attention Bitget Launchpool participants– An incredible opportunity is here for you to claim additional rewards of 1.5M $SPARKLET tokens, exclusive properties on Treasure Island, and a limited edition Bitget car replica.
Dive into the Upland metaverse and unlock unique rewards by creating an Upland account, and additional rewards for bridging your $SPARKLET tokens into the Upland app!
- Bitget launchpool participants can claim additional $SPARKLET tokens (random drop of $10-$150) — to qualify, must create an Upland account and level-up to Uplander by Aug 5th at 9am PST.
- Additional exclusive rewards of the limited edition Bitget car replica, Treasure Island properties and up to $2,000 in $SPARKLET for users who bring their Bitget $SPARKLET into Upland for its utility.
How it works:
Exclusive Benefits for Bitget users!
As a Bitget Launchpool participant, you are eligible for a $10-$150 $SPARKLET airdrop.
- Participate in the Launchpool
- Create an Upland account
- Level up to Uplander status.
- Link your Bitget UID in your Upland account
- Random $SPARKLET amount ($10-$150 worth) will be dropped based on August 5th, 2024 at 9am PST!
Follow instructions here
Compete for Exclusive Rewards:
Users who bring into the Upland app $SPARKLET tokens claimed during the launchpool or traded (“Net $SPARKLET”*) can compete for amazing rewards:
- Snapshot on August 5th, 9 AM PST will determine the top 288 players who bridged in the most $SPARKLET — they will receive exclusive Treasure Island properties.
- Snapshot on August 12th, 9 AM PST will determine the limited edition Bitget replica car winners: the exclusive 10 mint series will be dropped to the top 5 players who staked the most bridged $SPARKLET into Upland, and additional 5 cars will be awarded randomly to participants who brought their $SPARKLET into Upland and staked it but are not in the top 5. Watch out for the leaderboards!
- Snapshot on August 19th, 9 AM PST will determine the additional $SPARKLET airdrop, with the top leaderboard players winning up to $2,000 in $SPARKLET! To quality, players must have Bridged their $SPARKLET into upland.
Don’t miss out on this chance to enhance your Upland experience with Bitget Launchpool rewards. Start bridging your $SPARKLET tokens today and embark on a journey filled with exciting opportunities and exclusive benefits!
*Net $SPARKLET = $SPARKLET Bridged into Upland at SNAPSHOT minus $SPARKLET in Upland account at TGE)