Linking your Bitget account with Upland is an easy and seamless process. Follow these simple steps to link your accounts:
Step 1: Go to Settings
Once in the Quick Menu, select Settings. This section contains all the configuration options for your Upland account.
Step 2: Link External Accounts
Within the Settings, find and select “Link External Accounts”. This option allows you to connect your Upland account to various external platforms.
Step 3: Choose Bitget
From the list of available external accounts, select Bitget.
Step 4: Add Your Bitget Details
Enter your Bitget account details as prompted. This step is crucial for establishing a secure connection between your Upland and Bitget accounts. Make sure to double-check the information for accuracy.
You’re Connected!
That’s it, you’re done! Connecting your Bitget account to Upland is a straightforward process that takes just a few minutes. If you encounter any issues or need further assistance, don’t hesitate to reach out to Upland’s support team, you can email support at