Exciting news, Uplanders! We’re thrilled to remind you of our latest staking opportunities that come with amazing rewards. Whether you’re a Bitget user or simply an avid Upland player, there’s something special waiting for you in this campaign!
Staking for Bitget Users
Until August 12th at 9 AM, you can earn points just by staking. For every 1,000 $SPARKLET staked, you’ll earn 1 point per hour.
The top 5 players on the leaderboard will walk away with an exclusive, limited edition Bitget car. In addition to the leaderboard rewards, we’re also giving away 5 S1 cars to randomly selected stakers. The more you stake, the better your chances of winning, so start staking now!
See the Bitget Leaderboard Here
Staking for All Other Players
Not a Bitget user? No problem! We’ve got a fantastic opportunity for you as well. All other players who stake their $SPARKLET until August 12th at 9 AM can earn 1 point per hour for every 1,000 $SPARKLET staked. The top 5 on this leaderboard will each win a coveted S1E car. And just like with the Bitget leaderboard, we’re also offering 5 randomly selected stakers a chance to win an S1E car.
This is your chance to grab some great cars! So, don’t wait — start staking your $SPARKLET today and secure your spot!
Good luck, Uplanders! May the best stakers win!